Terms & Conditions

We want to ensure a smooth and secure shopping experience for you at Lioness Cycling! Once your order is completed, we'll kindly ask for your personal and commercial information. Please rest assured that this information will be verified with our payments provider to prevent any fraudulent transactions. Your safety is our priority, and we take all necessary measures to guarantee the security and traceability of every purchase. We use encrypted payment methods, and your card details are neither retained nor visible to us or any of our employees.

Please keep in mind that stock availability is essential for each order, and items in your basket won't be reserved until payment is completed. So, if someone else shows interest in the same garments, they may have the chance to buy them before you do. But once your payment is reflected on Lioness Cycling's account, we'll make sure to save the products you've bought exclusively for you.

By making a payment on Lioness Cycling's website, you confirm that you are the owner of the debit/credit card or have the cardholder's authority to proceed with the transaction. Our goal is to maintain high standards, so we may need to decline payments and orders from customers who don't fulfill our criteria.

If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to us. We're here to make your shopping experience enjoyable and secure! Happy shopping with Lioness Cycling!